Indoor Air Quality / Mold Testing

Wake Radon is now offering Indoor Air Quality Testing to make us a full indoor air quality testing company. Now, in addition to testing for radon levels, we also can perform IAQ tests and mold sampling.

Our Mold Sampling Equipment

Like our use of best in class Sun Nuclear 1030 monitors for radon testing, Wake Radon has chosen the industry leading Breeze ET Environmental Tester:

  • Self calibrating on every test. You never have to calibrate again
  • On board humidity and temperature gauge.
  • Variable speed motor! 15 LPM at all times for the best accuracy of any mold test.


Pricing for Mold Sampling (w/ full lab report):

Basic Air Sample Test (outdoor control + 1 indoor zone)

  • Public/Realtor Price: $250
  • Inspector Price: CALL

Additional Air Samples (each zone sample covers up to 800 SF)

  • Public/Realtor Price: $100
  • Inspector Price: CALL

Swabs or Bio-Tape Slides (1 for each identified, visible surface mold area)

  • Public/Realtor Price: $100 each (add $25 each if attic or crawlspace)
  • Public/Realtor Price: $75 each with Air Sampling
  • Inspector Price: CALL